Representation blog task
1) Read the article and summarise each section in one sentence, starting with the section 'Who are you?'
Who are you:
We as a society whether through fashion statements, hairstyles, make-up etc are all involved in constructing an image which communicates our identity. We have complex ideas about ourselves and more importantly there is a difference between the person one thinks they are and the person one wants to be seen as. Through the media it becomes apparent that the representation of cultural values, role models etc have an influence on who we want to be and who we want to be seen as.
I think therefore I am:
Before the rise of social media and technology our identity seemed to be firm and fixed and in a way pre-determined. How we perceived ourselves and how we presented ourselves within the groups we found ourselves in. This meant that our identity would be based upon aspects of our life such as class, religion, gender.
The rise of the individual:
Dominant values help shape the way we see ourselves however by the late 1960s and 70s the idea of individualism began to grow and take hold in the world. Towards the second half of the 20th century people began defining themselves as individuals in order to express their difference and in a way "uniqueness".
From citizen to consumer:
The idea that identity could be constructed through the means of an externalised image came about towards the early 20th century, this was when there was a deliberate move to encourage people to adopt an identity. This also led to a consumer boom which was based on convincing people that they no longer needed to buy objects with a need for example food and water but they could spend money on wants such as products which satisfy desires.
Branding and life style:
Branding is the association of a personality which is reflected through a product, advertisers sell this personality to a target demographic or market rather than the product so that consumers can purchase products which match their own self image.
Who will we be:
Throughout the era of the internet and mainly the possibilities that have been afforded by the creation of avatars people today have more control over their public image than ever before. This can be seen through Chandlers observation that constructing a personal home page is seen as manipulating ones identity.
2) List three brands you are happy to be associated with and explain how they reflect your sense of identity.
Three brands that I am happy to be represented by are Nike, Apple and PowerLocus. Nike represents my sense of fashion and clothing, apple represents the way i use technology and PowerLocus is the company which made my headphones and represents my music taste.
3) Do you agree with the view that modern media is all about 'style over substance'? What does this expression mean?
3) Do you agree with the view that modern media is all about 'style over substance'? What does this expression mean?
I would firmly agree with the statement as all over social media people tend to "flex" or show off their belongings and the style of their belongings rather than the substance itself. The expression itself refers to the idea that the sense of expression from a product is more important than the function of the product.
4) Explain Baudrillard's theory of 'media saturation' in one paragraph. You may need to research it online to find out more.
Baudrillard believed that society has become so saturated with simulacra which refers to the image of one that all meanings have become meaningless. Moreover, he argued that there are four stages or phases of the image. one that reflects a basic reality, one that mimics or masks a basic reality, one that masks the absence of a basic reality and finally one that bears no relation to any reality.
5) Is your presence on social media an accurate reflection of who you are? Have you ever added or removed a picture from a social media site purely because of what it says about the type of person you are?
I have little to no social media presence because I dislike the idea of having strangers viewing me and my appearance.
6) What is your opinion on 'data mining'? Are you happy for companies to sell you products based on your social media presence and online search terms? Is this an invasion of privacy?
6) What is your opinion on 'data mining'? Are you happy for companies to sell you products based on your social media presence and online search terms? Is this an invasion of privacy?
I believe that data mining is acceptable only in some conditions for example it means better targeted content and ads become sent your way by big companies and algorithms however it is an invasion of privacy because your data which is what makes you up and your identity is sold for money for companies to make even more money.
Cartoon task:
5 things I have learnt from David Gauntlett are:
-He argues that mass media texts offer us a wide range of diverse representations.
-Audiences actively process the messages put across by media texts
-He highlights the presence of an "ambivalent pleasure" which comes from enjoying the magazines for their entertainment value rather than their representations as flawed.
-He also argues that alternative ideas and images have created some space for a greater diversity of identities.
-He also questions the idea that masculinity is in crisis.
1) What is collective identity? Write your own definition in as close to 50 words as possible.
Collective identity is one which is mostly based around a group or a collection of individuals which share a set of similar values, traditions and a similar view of the world around them.
2) Complete the task on the factsheet (page 1) - write a list of as many things as you can think of that represent Britain. What do they have in common? Have you represented the whole of Britain or just one aspect/viewpoint?
Items which represent Britain are:
-Beans and toast
-Fish and chips
-Mr Bean
-Top Gear
3) How does James May's Top Toys offer a nostalgic representation of Britain?
He explores the idea of where life was perceived to be simpler, this is shown in the text through the example on England being described as mythic and how England use to contain things such as warm beer, cricket on the green and cups of tea.The nostalgic feeling is represented through the show as the main focus of the show focuses on the apparent failure of imagination when creating toys.
4) How has new technology changed collective identity?
New technology has allowed for a large audience to communicate with each other and to share identities and values/experiences with each other.
5) What phrase does David Gauntlett (2008) use to describe this new focus on identity?
5) What phrase does David Gauntlett (2008) use to describe this new focus on identity?
David proposed the phrase "Make and connect agenda".
6) How does the Shaun of the Dead Facebook group provide an example of Henry Jenkins' theory of interpretive communities online?
The facebook group was created by a fan due to the fact that the fan learnt a new word from the film. This led to a chain where others shared their experience from watching the film which meant the identity created from the film could be spread. This links to Henry Jenkins idea and the fact that fans are among the most active, creative and critically engaged.
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